Our society is trashy! We use paper plates, take out plates, plastic forks and knives, plastic cups, and disposable items of every kind. And when items are broken, we throw them away. What are we saving for future generations? What are we saying to our next generation? Do we have anything in our homes that we value? Look around your house and think about what items you want to keep that have family stories associated with them.
I gave each of my children a rocker for their home. One rocker we bought as newlyweds in a junk store. David restored that rocker and I rocked my babies for many hours in that old oak rocker. I gave that rocker to my daughter for her children and I rocked her babies many, many times. I also bought a rocker from a local furniture store in Muenster. I bought that rocker just to rock my grandchildren when they came. I gave that rocker to my first born son who had the first grandchild. Just last visit I rocked my young grandson to sleep in it. (see a rocker David repaired for a friend on fettefurniture.com)
Look around your house and think about what you see as potential memory makers. How was this item used in the family? For example, we have a large harvest table in our dining room. When my grandchildren sit at this table, they join the past 5 generations of our family who ate a meal at that table.
Tell your family stories. Let the items you treasure spark your memories. Let us not throw away, but reclaim, repair and restore them for future generations! We are not only formed by today, but also by what came before.